- Only items with prices are available for purchase.
- Select an item in the Catalog.
- Carefully review the item you are purchasing.
- Click Add to Cart and follow the checkout procedure.
- For non-unique items you may change the quantity in the shopping cart.
When you check out, you will be transferred to our card processor, and your shopping cart will be processed according to its procedures. You will receive confirmation of the purchase by email, and we will receive notice the same way. We will communicate with you within three business days to confirm the order. Further details will appear in that message. We will not process proceeds from the transaction until you have received your merchandise, which will be sent with an acknowledgment of receipt required.
MERCHANDISE. The depictions in the gallery may not accurately reflect the actual colors, brilliance or form of the originals due to limitations of web browsers. Actual merchandise tends to appear more saturated, more brilliant and to have more complex structure and texture than a monitor can display.
DELIVERY. Merchandise is normally shipped within ten days of receipt of your order. Expect delivery in two to four weeks thereafter by ground, unless special arrangements at higher cost are made in advance.
CURRENCY: Pricing is in US Dollars. Currency converter: USD-UGX.
REFUNDS: NO REFUNDS. All sales are final upon receipt of merchandise.
PRIVACY: Your personal information is confidential. Because transactions are securely processed by a third party we do not see your credit card or banking information. We do not sell or otherwise share our buyer list or contact data.
Do NOT attempt to check out while only the demonstration transaction is in your cart, and if you have added a demonstration transaction to an actual cart, remove it before checking out.
If you are confused by this, do not write to us; instead chastise your former reading teachers. [CLOSE]