Today's language lesson: Listen to the pronunciation of Namungoona. The ng in the middle of the word is pronounced as it would be at the end of an English word, which is a bit tricky the first few times, but it gets easier. Listen to the sounds of other languages and adopt correct pronunciation, and magically your native English will also improve. —RC

Featuring Namungoona Children's Art
From the Gallery

Yusuf Ssali, Women Empowerment, acrylic on canvas, 48x36
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Community News
James Nsamba is one of the founders of Ugandart. He also directs activities for children at Namungoona Childrens Art Center in Kampala. The interview was posted on YouTube 3 March 2023.

Member Updates

James Nsamba 04-Mar-2023

Rees Clark 26-Oct-2022
Added James Nsamba as associate editor.

Nakiwe Rose 29-Jan-2022
How can I be helped to get a loan

Yusuf Ssali 01-Jun-2017
This is a sample comment on Yusuf's member page. Link goes to an item in his portfolio. By announcing new work and appending the link it all dovetails. Further automation forthcoming.

ALEX KIMERA 20-Oct-2015
I am a young artist who likes to transform lives of others through things i create. Plus am GOD fearing and open to welcome new friends in my life.